Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Happy New Year! I am soooo glad 2008 is over and am ready to welcome 2009. In 12 short days my baby will be 5 years old! Wow, I am so ready, but can't believe that the baby part of my life is over! Happy New Year Y'All!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Safe Haven

This is an article from my local newspaper.

click here

So sad. To anyone out there, please know that most states have enacted safe haven laws. This did not need to happen. If you find you are unable to take care of a newborn, please take it to a hospital or somewhere else. There are so many families out there who would love to raise your child. Nebraska doesn't even have an age limit! I myself became pregnant at 19 and know how hard it is to be faced with an unplanned pregnancy when you are young. A life is so very special, don't throw it away......

Florida's safe haven site is check it out

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Angel Pic?

Is this the picture of an angel? This family thinks so, check out the story.

I'm not sure, it would help if we saw pictures when this "light" wasn't there? Of course, I am happy the girl is healthy again. What's your thoughts??

Friday, December 26, 2008

Props to Steph

So, I've always been pretty hard on my sister Stephanie, we are just worlds different. I do want to give her props for losing weight, about 100lbs. I never thought she would do it and be so successful, so, congrats Steph! Below are her before and after. Now, I am the only 'fat' one in the fam. I guess that's why my parents got me a WII fit.........Well, new year, maybe a new me?? I doubt it ;-). To my one and only reader, Uncle Chuck! Thanks and I am great! Love ya!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

My Kids Deserve So Much More

Ok, when it came to choosing the father of my children and partner in life, I screwed up big time. He was a loser husband who cheated on me with men while I was pregnant, was fired from every job he had and is still a loser father. To any guys out there, just because you pay child support, does not make you super dad. I have a great dad and a great mom. My dad has always been there and participated in my life. It still is unbelievable to me how a guy can be the opposite. He does see them every other weekend, which was in the divorce and I had to enforce because I am not super woman, I need a break sometimes! He refuses to have them 1 day a week, thanksgiving, 1/2 xmas break, 1/2 summer. My boys would rather not be with him, but it breaks my heart that their dad does not want them. He doesn't even call them between the weekends. And, as he was during our sham of a marriage, he is still nothing but empty promises. He lies about everything and my oldest son is starting to figure that out the hard way. Here is a word by word email we shared about this xmas break last week.

Me-"School gets out on Friday, so I have them next week and then you will have them the last week/first part of January. I will drop them off on Dec. 28 at 5 pm.

Him-"I will be working so I wont be able to watch them then."

Me-"They can go to daycare. I am working too. If you are refusing to keep them, which is fine because they prefer not be with you, then I expect you to be financially responsible for that week, paying for daycare and meals and also, expect the same for your ½ of the summer."

Well take me to court and get it then."

What parent does this to their flesh and blood? My kids deserve so much more, so much better. I truly do believe in karma and I have seen it's effects.

On an ending note, I saw "The Day the Earth Stood Still" on Saturday with the guy I have been dating. Movie wasn't all that, but the date was great as usual!

Have a Happy Holiday! My boys and I will be spending it with my terrific family!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Interesting Article

Interesting Article. Your thoughts?

Article Here

If you know me, you know my thoughts.

Monday, December 15, 2008


Went to Wal Mart tonight on the way home from work for dinner items...

Discount, almost expired boneless pork chops $3.21
Discount, almost expired Cream of Crock Dressing $1.00, normally $3.50
Can of Mixed Veggies $0.50

Feeding 4 boys dinner for under $5, PRICELESS!

Thank You Wal Mart!

Monday, December 8, 2008


Ok, I guess I am a bit different than many people. I believe that organized religion is good for some people, but I am not one of those people. I find it laughable at some of the things that people believe, I will not go into it much more to avoid offending, but, one thing I do believe in is ghosts, spirits, the paranormal. There is much more proof of ghosts than that Jesus Christ was a virgin birth and that he somehow was dead for 3 days and came back to life. But, I digress. My cousin recently had a baby and when I looked at the pictures, I couldn't believe my eyes. My uncle, who has been going through a whole heck of a lot and believes his dad is around him a lot, in one picture there is a perfect orb right behind him. I truly believe it is my pappap. It is not dust, not light, in only one of the pics and is a perfect circle. My pappap died on Nov. 21, 2000. Tell me what you think.....

PS To anyone wondering, date number 2 was a success!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

I know

I have 4 of the most adorable sons on the planet. Here is my youngest, 4 year old Chandler!

Been Awhile

So, I guess I have gotten kind of lazy here on my blog. My hours have been cut at work now due to the economy. I still have a job, but it royally sucks, especially since I could barely make ends meet before. On a good note, I finally have a court date scheduled where the judge will award me the upward modification of child support I have been seeking for 1 1/2 years. Thanksgiving was good, but the boys were stressing me out. It was like they took wild pills all weekend. I was actually happy to go back to work on Monday. I have date number 2 in 2 days and I'm pretty excited. I would be more excited if there wasn't so much stress in my life right now, but nonetheless, I am looking forward to it. No tree yet, if it was up to me, I wouldn't even have a tree, but, alas, I do have children and they seem to think we need one. Check often for updates :-)