Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Ta Da! My First Official Blog!

Hi, Welcome, thank you for taking the time to stop by. I'm Lori and am excited about having an outlet for things that happen in my life. I am happily divorced, although if you are a single guy who is straight(more on why later), then feel free to message me! I have 4 awesome, although often uncontrollable, sons 4-12 years old and have a terrific job and work with some great people. I am infatuated with country music, the internet, aquaria(I have 2 fish tanks and hope for more one day), travelling(although with 4 kids and 1 income that isn't easy), food, of course(I love to cook it, eat it and try new things), forensics, paranormal(ie. ghosts/spirits), history, mostly genealogical history. I have lived in Florida for 20 years and although it's beautiful, I am really still here because my family is here. If there is anything you want me to write about in the future feel free, this is a start and I hope to update several times a week!

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